Peace Through Action USA is pleased to announce a job opening. We seek a motivated, engaging, and creative employee for a promotion director position. The director of mission promotion and programs dissemination develops, implements, and monitors plans and activities that increase awareness of Peace Through Action® USA and participation in and support for our programs.
The promotion director plans the organization’s mission promotion and programs dissemination activities; creates and implements campaigns to recruit volunteers to deliver our programmatic activities and to generate individual gifts of money; identifies and publicizes model community peacebuilders; writes, produces, and edits copy, images, and recordings with various purposes; disseminates information across Peace Through Action’s media and externally; and optimizes and maintains the organization’s promotion resources.
An employer of national service, we encourage alums of AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and other national service programs, U.S. veterans, and people with public service experience to apply.
The position is a remote position. The position holder may base their work from a location(s) of their choice (such as their home) anywhere in the United States.
The wage range for this full-time position of 37.5 hours per week is beween $33.00 and $34.30 gross per hour. We do not provide healthcare benefits.