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From the Mouths of Funders and Nonprofits: 20 Ways to Build Better Relationships

Last week, we held two Great Funder-Nonprofit Relationships programs in partnership with Exponent Philanthropy, generously supported by the Fund for Shared Insight. More than 200 total participants, representing both funders and nonprofits, joined us …

Candid Conversations

At the National Council of Nonprofits, we are constantly keeping our eyes and ears open for emerging trends or cultural norms: both those that prevent charitable nonprofits from advancing their missions, and those that get in the way of effectiveness.

The Power of Feedback

When we stop listening we may miss feedback that could improve our work. Recognizing this, many charitable nonprofits have created “feedback loops” as an intentional process to ensure that they are first listening to what their beneficiaries have to say, and second, that they incorporate suggestions from those they serve into the nonprofit’s operations and activities.

The gender pay gap is a sleeper threat to nonprofit effectiveness and sustainability

Women rule the nonprofit sector – in numbers, if not in pay. The majority (approximately 74 percent) of charitable nonprofits in the US are led by women (although, ironically, women represent only 48 percent of board members and 46 percent of board chairs, according to the 2015 report, Leading with Intent. Source: BoardSource).

Cybersecurity: Is your nonprofit at risk?

If your nonprofit engages in any of these activities, it’s time to get serious about taking steps to address cybersecurity risks.  Does your nonprofit:

It’s stressful out there – Take care of yourself!

Last week I had the pleasure of listening to Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman, co-authors of The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit, address a room filled with nonprofit people who took time away from their work and the news cycle to discuss ways we can all continue to “do good” without burning ourselves out. Through Kanter and Sherman’s guidance you too will see how a culture of well-being is essential for sustainable organizations, and for there to be happy, healthy communities as envisioned by so many nonprofits’ missions.

Why is remaining nonpartisan so important…and so at risk now?

 There currently are live threats to remove the nonpartisan protective shield that is an integral part of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. President Trump recently promised to “get rid of and totally destroy” the protection, and legislation has been reintroduced (H.R. 172,  H.R. 781, and S. 264) that would repeal or substantially weaken the nonpartisan shield.

State-level Opposition to Attacks on Foundation and Nonprofit Nonpartisanship

Should community/family/private independent/other foundations be constantly hounded by politicians and their operatives seeking official endorsements by foundations, contributions from foundation assets, hosting of partisan fundraising events, and more? Would it help advance your mission to have an endless stream of primary election and then general election candidates – for everything from local school boards, city councils, and county offices to all state and federal offices – continually beseeching you and your board members for the foundation’s formal support?

Protecting Nonprofit Nonpartisanship | Initial Commentary

For more than 60 years, an important provision in the federal tax code has successfully protected charitable nonprofits, religious congregations, and foundations from being hounded by politicians, political operatives, and paid political consultants se…

The future of fundraising

This past December was the fifth year of #GivingTuesday, and by all accounts the global day of giving produced a strong showing of support for causes of all types. It may be hard to imagine, but not too long ago charitable giving was limited to cash, checks, or in-kind gifts – there was no such thing as “text to give,” or “crowdfunding,” and few websites were configured to accept donations. Now, the future of giving is right in our hands – or more accurately – in our mobile devices. Donors and nonprofits are embracing this future.

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