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If You’re Not at the Table, You’re On the Menu

In 2017, it’s more important than ever for nonprofit leaders to recognize that, “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”

A New Year. A New Congress. A New President: What’s It All Mean for Nonprofits?

While engaging with nonprofits around the country in numerous settings since the elections, we noticed their anxiety about what might happen to the work of charitable nonprofits and foundations now that one political party will control both Congress and the White House. Nonprofit leaders – like other Americans – were being bombarded by conflicting news accounts, tweets, and urgent emails and action alerts and expressed difficulty in making sense out of it all.

With DOL’s Overtime Rule in Limbo – Now What?

Since the U.S. Department of Labor announced last May that its new Overtime Final Rule would become effective on December 1 and bring raises for about 4.2 million American workers, nonprofits and other employers spent six months dutifully planning how …

What we’re learning about the challenges of complying with multi-state charitable registration

One of the benefits of serving as a resource and advocate for the nation’s largest nonprofit network is that we can listen and learn from local charitable nonprofits about their challenges.

Voice from the Field: When Fundraising Crosses State Lines

The National Council of Nonprofits receives comments submitted on our website about charitable solicitation registration. The author, a founder and executive director of a small nonprofit (budget size under $1 million) describes below the challenges sh…

What’s new in nonprofit capacity building?

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) has provided a splendid addition to the literature on capacity building with its new report, Strengthening Nonprofit Capacity: core concepts in capacity building.

What’s new in employee performance evaluations?

Managers hate them. Employees hate them. Annual performance reviews “just take up time,” “distract from mission,” and force employees to wait far too long for feedback that could be useful for their professional development. So why do we continue to think that annual performance reviews are a “best practice” for developing talent? Why not, as some suggest, scrap the formal annual review process and replace it with continuous feedback throughout the year?

The Power of Nonpartisanship

It is the law of the land – and good for the nonprofit community and those we serve – that charitable nonprofits must remain nonpartisan. Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code expressly directs that charities and foundations shall “not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”

Help All Americans Have a Say in Their Own Future

Because of the frightening steps taken by some to silence people of color and the poor by excluding them from voting in this election, I wrote this piece for the Chronicle of Philanthropy: “In a Year of Intimidating Voters, It’s Never Been More Urgent for Nonprofits to Get Out the Vote.”

5 Tips for Nonprofit Collaborations

I doubt there is a single definition of success for nonprofit collaborations, but here’s my take: a collaboration is successful if the parties are eager to work together again. In contrast, if the parties are running away from each other, vowing never to collaborate again, something’s gone wrong. Here are 5 tips for success, plus a kicker at the end of this post for nonprofits committed to success with collaborations.

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