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Desperately Seeking Board Members

An ongoing problem many nonprofit organizations face is finding new board members. For a large number of us, this ranks only behind fundraising as the biggest thorn in our side. Finding the time to recruit people is tough, not to mention knowing where to look for them. The most common initial step in identifying potential board members starts with our current board. It’s simple – we ask them who they know. The problem is that in many cases within a few minutes that discussion comes to a dead end. Now we’re faced with squeezing “find board members” onto our already packed to-do list.

Imagine an America without baseball, apple pie, or … nonprofits

Over the past few months nations around the world – including ChinaRussiaEgypt, and India – have been clamping down on non-governmental organizations (“NGO”s), especially those that ar

Imagine an America without baseball, apple pie, or … nonprofits

Over the past few months nations around the world – including ChinaRussiaEgypt, and India – have been clamping down on non-governmental organizations (“NGO”s), especially those that ar

Muddled Misunderstandings Lead to Misguided Reforms

Two sets of high-profile media stories involving extreme outliers – law enforcement taking action against individuals and sham groups that were masquerading as cancer “charities” to swindle $187 million from the public, and the one-of-a-kind Clinton Foundation founded by a former President and a current presidential candidate – have pundits wagging their fingers in scolding fashion at foundations and nonprofits.

Muddled Misunderstandings Lead to Misguided Reforms

Two sets of high-profile media stories involving extreme outliers – law enforcement taking action against individuals and sham groups that were masquerading as cancer “charities” to swindle $187 million from the public, and the one-of-a-kind Clinton Foundation founded by a former President and a current presidential candidate – have pundits wagging their fingers in scolding fashion at foundations and nonprofits.

Connecting the dots between the health of nonprofits and the health of communities

For the past 7 years, the Nonprofit Finance Fund has surveyed nonprofits to learn about their financial health. The data reported in the 2015 State of the Sector survey focus on nonprofits, but also give us a look at the well-being of individuals and c…

Tips when fundraising in multiple states

Your nonprofit may be aware of its obligation to register for fundraising purposes in its own state (38 states and the District of Columbia currently have this requirement), but did you know that if your nonprofit is asking for donations from potential…

New web domains .NGO & .ONG are now available. Has your nonprofit reserved its name?

Over the last several years, the .org domain extension has become synonymous with nonprofits in the United States. But in actuality, .org domains are available to any organization or person who wants to register that domain, and many “.org” extensions are currently being used by personal, corporate, and political websites.

Volunteer Trends

In 2014, more than 62 million Americans volunteered (about a quarter of the population, 25.3 percent). Women, and people ages 35-44 years were most likely to volunteer. Surprisingly, volunteer rates were lowest among 20-24 year olds (18.7 percent). One troubling trend is that of the young people who volunteer, (often through mandatory service learning while in high school) many don’t think of working for a nonprofit as a viable career option.

No More Excuses: Pass the America Gives More Act

The America Gives More Act (H.R. 644), which would restore several expired charitable giving incentives and make them permanent, quickly passed the House in February. But in the Senate the bill has been met by old excuses and inaction – despite widespread support on both sides of the aisle for the substance of how it would support the work of nonprofits in serving their communities.

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