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What’s new in capacity building?

Two new multi-layered online reports, one from Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) and one from GrantCraft (a service of the Foundation Center), offer much-needed guidance for grantmakers about the proven value, plus the ins and outs, of fund…

Why is succession planning taboo?

Did you ever wonder what two words would cause accomplished adults to behave like ostriches burying their heads in the sand?  The answer seems to be “succession planning.” Apparently nonprofit board members and executives will do everything possible to avoid hearing or speaking those words. Yet succession planning is essential, and should not be taboo.

From the Fault Line on Nonprofit Property-Tax Exemptions

As regular readers of Nonprofit Advocacy Matters know, the epicenter of attempts to alter nonprofit tax policy is in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That is why I accepted an invitation to testify last week before the Pennsylvania Senate Finance Comm…

Federal Budget “Sausage-Making” Season Opens

The federal budget and appropriations process officially began today with the release of President Obama’s $4 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2016. In the coming weeks, congressional hearings will review and challenge many of the proposals in the President’s budget blueprint.

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