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Nonprofit Public Policy Progress in 2019

Before 2019 completely slips away, let’s celebrate the positive achievements in the public policy arenas of legislatures, executive agencies, and courts at the federal, state, and local levels this past year.

Repealing the Tax on Tax-Exempts Was the Work of (Many, Many) People

There’s a saying that victory has a thousand parents and defeat is an orphan. That adage became especially applicable once the President signed into law the repeal of the tax on nonprofit transportation benefits. The repeal is a community-wide accomplishment to celebrate, thanks to thousands of individuals and organizations united in common purpose.

Nonprofits Seeking Talent to Advance Your Missions – Consider Hiring Military Spouses

Here at the National Council of Nonprofits, we have a simple yet demanding operating mantra: “What’s the problem? What’re the solutions? Let’s get them done.”

Five Reasons Veterans Are Ideal Nonprofit Employees

Earlier this week, we celebrated our nation’s veterans and their service to our country. As they leave active service, many veterans are looking for ways to continue their service to others. And what better way to serve others than through a nonprofit? There are many reasons why veterans are ideal employees to help your nonprofit advance its mission.

Veterans are problem-solvers

In the field and on the home front, veterans and members of the military have a natural can-do, will-do attitude and seek solutions to the challenges they face.

Fundraising Gadgets, Widgets, and Tech, Oh My!

With fall appeal and Giving Tuesday season upon us, does your nonprofit dream of finding a technology platform that:

  • Designs your fundraising plan for you?
  • Writes terrific donor-centered communications?
  • Makes sure you exceed your goals on Giving Tuesday?
  • Makes coffee or tea for you?

Sorry, we don’t have any of those. However, we do know of some gadgets and widgets that might give your nonprofit a small edge in the fundraising tech department – or at least add a little fun to your program.

Can Nonprofits Promote Census Engagement?

By now, everyone knows that charitable nonprofits have vital interests at stake – including dollars, data, and democracy – to make sure the 2020 census produces quality counts. But as 501(c)(3) organizations, can they advocate for and otherwise promote a fair, accurate, and complete count?

Cost of Home Campaign: Welcoming Families Home Through Public Policy

On June 12, 2019, Habitat for Humanity launched its ambitious nationwide Cost of Home campaign to engage its local affiliates and many others in advocacy efforts to secure affordable housing for 10 million individuals over the next five years.

How Your Nonprofit Can Join the Race to Lead

When the Building Movement Project (BMP) launched our survey on nonprofits, race, and leadership in the spring of 2016, many nonprofit leaders were still learning what the letters D, E, and I stood for. But today, the acronym for Diversity, Equity, and…

Using Heat Maps to Improve Website and Email Performance

Don’t try to beat the heat this August, embrace it! Heat maps can be a useful tool for your nonprofit to measure and improve the performance of your website and emails.

From the Outside In: A fresh perspective on nonprofit advocacy

As I walked in the office on the Tuesday after a long July 4th weekend, I felt excited — and nervous — to start my first day interning for the National Council of Nonprofits. My knowledge of nonprofits (not non-profits or not-for-profits, I quickly l…

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