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“Trick or Treat?” Who’s knocking on your nonprofit’s door looking for data?

Many professional cyber thieves set their sights on big data platforms, where one doorway in gives them access to millions of individuals’ data. But, this doesn’t mean that nonprofits are off the hook just because they are the “little fish” in a big pond. In fact, because cyberattacks are often crimes of opportunity, nonprofits too often leave the door open for hackers, and have information that can be valuable in identity theft, nonprofits are major targets, too. Taking simple steps to prevent cybercrimes should be a high priority for every nonprofit.

Advocacy With a Small “a”—Big Ideas for Small Foundations

While attending Exponent Philanthropy’s 2018 National Conference last month, I had a surprise: I saw a significant number of grantmakers genuinely excited about getting involved in advocacy!

Individual Giving Trends and Your Nonprofit’s Development Plan

It seems that almost every day, we read a new report about the state of individual giving. Among the recent highlights are:

Planning for board transitions

Executive transitions are an increasingly important topic of conversation at nonprofits across the country – and we’ve written a few articles about it over the last several years. But, is your nonprofit also planning for board member transitions?

Planning Your Nonprofit’s Communications in an Ever-Changing World

Planning your nonprofit’s communications schedule in today’s chaotic world with its non-stop news cycle and attention spans shorter than the blink of an eye can seem daunting. That said, having a flexible communications plan or calendar as a guide allows your organization to be prepared for key dates and events, yet also nimble enough to shift quickly to adjust to external developments. The plan doesn’t need to get lost in the weeds of minor details and tactics or take hours upon hours to create.

Never Let Up in Protecting What’s Important: The Johnson Amendment and Nonprofit Nonpartisanship

When an existential threat looms – such as the repeal or weakening of the Johnson Amendment that, for 64 years, has protected the nonprofit community from the destructive forces of divisive partisan politicking – I can’t think of any better advice than the stirring words of Winston Churchill who, in England’s darkest hour, declared:

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches,

we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,

Does My Nonprofit Really Have to Register Before Asking For Money? What you need to know about fundraising regulations.

Whether a nonprofit organization has been recently formed and is looking to engage in initial fundraising efforts or is well-established and is planning to expand its fundraising nationwide, the organization will need to consider compliance with states’ charitable solicitation registration and reporting laws.

How your nonprofit can make an impact via National Voter Registration Day

Nonprofits play a vital role in American society, serving individuals and families, informing policymakers, and helping communities thrive. Operating above the partisan political fray thanks to the Johnson Amendment, 501(c)(3)s are nonpartisan actors s…

New website security warnings raise the bar for nonprofits

Nonprofits need to take notice that Google just raised the bar when it comes to demonstrating a website is secure. Failing to make changes to comply with the new standards can hinder your nonprofit’s ability to interact with the public, including potential clients and donors.

Federal Tax Law, Nonprofits, and the Action in the States, so far

In January, Tim Delaney and I predicted in a Chronicle of Philanthropy article that the federal tax law enacted in December would unleash a tsunami of reforms at the state and local levels. Specifically, we said, “The law that Congress passed and the president signed in the waning days of 2017 has created the most dangerous policy environment across the state, local, and federal levels that we’ve ever seen in the decades we’ve spent focusing on how governments and nonprofits interact.”

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