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The Art of the Hook

Even the most profound advocacy message is irrelevant if no one reads it. And many of the great works of thought and art have profound and memorable openings. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident,” is the hook that impels readers – from King George III of England to town criers across the new nation to read the Declaration of Independence. Who doesn’t remember, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …”? (A Tale of Two Cities, C. Dickens) Or, “I am an invisible man.” (Invisible Man, R. Ellison)

No Place in Missions and Culture

Nonprofits, by definition, are mission-driven organizations designed to serve a charitable purpose. Nowhere in those missions should sexual harassment, or other forms of discrimination, have a toehold. However, when leaders focus solely on the mission,…

Five Mistakes Your Nonprofit Doesn’t Want to Make When Investigating Sexual Harassment Allegations

In a former professional role, I served as legal counsel to employers in employment discrimination cases, including sexual harassment matters. While representing employers I learned about many instances of sexual harassment that were not handled well b…

Insights into Great Relationships: Board Chairs and Executive Directors

You can find many articles and tip sheets defining the roles of board chairs and executive directors, including those admonishing board chairs that it’s their role to “support” the nonprofit’s executive director. We were curious – what does that “support” look like? And what does it take to have a great relationship between a board chair and a CEO?

Don’t Take Away the Commitment to Giving Back

Promoting volunteerism is a good thing, right? The federal and state governments have agencies that exist to get people involved in local activities, and numerous charitable organizations devote all of their efforts to connecting willing volunteers to …

State of the State Addresses 2018

Governors’ annual State of the State addresses and budget statements can provide insight about how upcoming legislative sessions, state budgets, and responses to tax reform will affect foundations and charitable nonprofits.

As Fires Raged in Southern California, Nonprofits Stepped Outside Their Lanes

When there’s an emergency, we know to look to certain nonprofits: the food bank, the shelters, the churches, the Red Cross.

Google Announces Major Modifications to Ad Grants: What Does This Mean for Your Nonprofit?

At the end of 2017, Google announced substantial modifications to the Google Ad Grants program. Some of the changes offer nonprofits an incentive to leverage their Google Ad Grants, which can be worth up to $10,000 monthly. Nonprofits need to come into…

The frame you use matters

You’re facing a deadline. It’s the end-of-the-year fundraising push, and you are trying to draft the most compelling message possible. You’ve seen many examples of fundraising letters and videos that describe stories of an individual person’s struggles that seem compelling to you, so that’s the direction you are heading… But wait! Did you know that research shows that such stories may actually be counterproductive to attracting financial support?

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