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Public Service Loan Forgiveness: What You Need to Know Now

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) is the only federal student debt relief program that allows people with student debt to apply their  education in careers serving the public instead of being forced to take higher paying jobs to pay off their student loan debt.

Protecting Charitable Nonprofits: Why We Filed an Amicus Brief in the U.S. Supreme Court

Every year, the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to review about only 80 cases from among the 7,000-8,000 petitions seeking review. This year, the Court agreed to consider two cases originally filed in California that – depending how the Court rules – could impact the operations of charitable nonprofits. To protect the interests of charitable nonprofits, we filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief to alert the Court to potential significant harm to the work of charitable nonprofits and thereby harm to the public.

To End the Cycle of Hate: Begin with Love for Others

Eight people were killed in Atlanta – including seven women and one man, six of whom were of Asian descent. All victims of yet another mass shooting fueled by varying amounts of racism, sexism, and xenophobia.

We grieve for the surviving families and friends of the deceased.

We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who identify as Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders, expressing our sorrow and our outrage at the slayings in Atlanta and the history of harmful stereotypes and abuses that began long before last week.

Economic “Shecession” Is Nothing Less Than A National Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is like a Russian nesting doll of crises. Open one, and there is another inside.

The public health emergency produced a painful economic recession. That economic crisis in turn first exposed, and then worsened, the economy’s systemic racial and gender inequities. Eventually, those inequities led to 2.5 million women leaving the workforce, transforming the deep recession into a “shecession.” Decades of progress for women evaporated in 12 months.

Closing the gender pay gap

257 years. That is how long it will take women working in Alaska’s nonprofit sector to reach pay equity. Trust me, your state’s statistics are not much better. Are you willing to wait? We asked ourselves that question more than five years ago. Our decision was to step up, learn what we needed to do – and then take action.

Nonprofits, Don’t Overlook Your Potential Refund Under the Employee Retention Tax Credit

With half a dozen federal COVID relief laws coming out of Washington since the pandemic began – and each new law amending the prior ones – it’s hard to keep up with which provisions provide the biggest benefits for the nonprofit bottom line. That’s the case with the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), created by the CARES Act in late March 2020.

Nonprofits and the Coronavirus Vaccine

Nonprofits play many important roles engaging people in their communities. Nonprofits helped get out the count last year for the 2020 Census. Nonprofits helped register millions of new voters and encouraged them to go to the polls (both in-person and via mail). Now, many nonprofits have a new role to play: encouraging people in our communities to get vaccinated – and, for some, to serve as vaccination sites.

Helping your team during crisis

Crisis was my life for 22 years.                                                                                                                

I worked for a domestic violence and child abuse organization for those years and served as its CEO for almost ten of them. Operating a 24-hour helpline and a safe house for victims of abuse who have been beaten, threatened, and fearful for their lives is all about managing life and death issues. I learned how to manage crisis – and as a CEO, I needed to help my colleagues do the same.

How to Systemize Your Fundraising

Many nonprofits share a common problem when it comes to fundraising: they don’t have enough time, money, or people-power to do everything they want to do. They want to raise more money and do more good in the world, but simply don’t have the resources to do any more than they already are.

The key to doing more with less is systemization. When nonprofits build fundraising systems, they can raise more money with the same resources, and they can do it with less stress and hassle.

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