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Warning Signs About the Fragility of Nonprofits in the Pandemic Era

With tens of millions of additional people turning to and relying on charitable nonprofits for services since the novel coronavirus exploded in the United States, all nonprofit stakeholders – nonprofit board and staff members, government policymakers, philanthropists, business leaders, and the general public – need to call time out to consider how charitable nonprofits are faring in these daunting times. When doing so, you will see bright warning lights flashing and hear loud warning claxons sounding the alarm.

Internships in the era of COVID-19: A Nonprofit Guide for Virtual Internships

Bringing on an intern in the midst of this pandemic may seem like a time-intensive endeavor in an already resource-strained environment, but the benefits to nonprofits of hosting interns remain. Students have adapted their expectations for professional…

Nonprofits Remain Committed to Restoring, Maintaining, and Expanding Employment for the Public Good

The unemployment news across the country is horrific. Forty-million Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, with another 1.5 million new claims in the week ending June 13. The nonprofit community is not immune from this crisis; data from Johns Hopkins University estimate that 1.6 million nonprofit jobs have been lost in the last three months.

Enough is Enough

Key elements of our nation’s social contract – equality, justice, and even truth – have been stained almost beyond recognition.

It didn’t begin with George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor or Philando Castile or Freddie Gray or Michael Brown or Eric Garner or Trayvon Martin or any of the men and women whose lives were taken, but whose names didn’t make the headlines.

How are other nonprofits navigating these unchartered waters?

Stay-at-home orders, self-quarantining by those exposed or at high-risk, physical distancing, and various public and private health measures in place can create the misimpression that we’re all disconnected and isolated. But whether you’re a hero working on the frontlines for a nonprofit providing health care, shelter services, child care, or other human services, or you’re wearing a different cape as a multi-tasking parent/teacher/nonprofit employee working remotely from home, you know you’re not alone. Still, you are curious: what are other nonprofits experiencing?

Self-Insured Nonprofits and Unemployment Insurance

Over the past week, the United States has seen an enormous spike in unemployment due to layoffs in the business and nonprofit sectors stemming from the economic ramifications of the COVID-19 crisis.

As revenues of America’s nonprofits plummet because of COVID-19, demand for services soar. Congress needs to help.

As Congress and the White House discuss supporting specific American industries, which one is in the greatest danger? We’ll give you a hint: It collectively employs 12.3 million Americans, which is more than transportation, more than construction, and even more than manufacturing. And, unlike other industries, it is confronted by a combination of contradictory forces unlike any other industry: exponentially increasing demand and devastating decreases in revenues. What industry is that? The nonprofit industry.

How We Can Support Each Other and Our Communities During the Coronavirus

Now – more than ever – we, as a society, must come together to do the best we can for one another.

With the unprecedented shutdowns and cancellations happening all over the country to slow the spread of coronavirus, charitable nonprofits are stepping in to provide shelter, food, child and elder care, education, cultural and spiritual fulfillment, and peace of mind. 

What a Sale of the .org Registry to a For-Profit Private Equity Firm Could Mean for Your Nonprofit

What does it mean to have a .org domain name? That home on the web gives our donors, volunteers, and those we serve confidence that we have our community’s best interests at heart. For many years, we’ve enjoyed that same confidence in our domain names because they’ve been administered by a charitable nonprofit, the Public Interest Registry. We could count on reliability. We could count on free speech.

What a Sale of the .org Registry to a For-Profit Private Equity Firm Could Mean for Your Nonprofit

What does it mean to have a .org domain name? That home on the web gives our donors, volunteers, and those we serve confidence that we have our community’s best interests at heart. For many years, we’ve enjoyed that same confidence in our domain names because they’ve been administered by a charitable nonprofit, the Public Interest Registry. We could count on reliability. We could count on free speech.

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