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4 Ways to Let the Sunshine In

For some people, that headline might evoke the late 60’s musical Hair or a more recent comedy starring Steve Carell. Others might associate it with the old adage about how to ensure good government: “Sunshine is said to be the best of disinfectants.” But for us all, the summer is a good time to review how open and transparent our nonprofits are for the public to see. Transparency is already a hallmark of the nonprofit community, but are you doing all you can? Let’s explore.

Momentum toward a more equitable workforce

In the nonprofit sector, we are constantly fighting for the dignity of those seeking support and advocating for their economic mobility.  But how often do we fight the same fight for our own staff members? To unravel a structure as oppressive as economic injustice, we first have to be introspective and model the change we want to see in the world. Today, many in the nonprofit sector in Memphis, Tenn. are being woefully underpaid, and we at Momentum Nonprofit Partners recently made our stance clear. 

Over-Buttoning: An Email CTA Fail

I am in the process of revamping and reimagining a nonprofit’s primary email marketing newsletter. As a result, I signed myself up for email correspondence from comparable, like-minded brands. For the past month, I have been reading and processing a variety of email newsletter types and the main take away from my review is an overload of Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons. 

Orange buttons. Blue buttons. Buttons with borders. Buttons with bold text. Buttons aligned right, left and center. “Read more” buttons. “Register today” buttons. 

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

Attracting Corporate Support for Your Nonprofit

As a new executive director, I’ve set a goal for myself to increase corporate giving to our mission. ”Sounds like a plan,” right? But I have some basic questions to answer first.

What’s the best approach?”

“Are there red flags to be aware of?”

“What are the trends around corporate giving these days?” and fundamentally,

“What will it take to attract a new business to contribute to my nonprofit’s mission?”

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